We are not sure where you stand on making resolutions for the New Year. Are you manifesting? Are you making vision boards? Are you rolling with the punches? Are you just praying for a better year? Are you recycling last year’s unused resolutions? A combination of all of the above?
2020 has been "hard". Not sure if hard is adequate but it will have to suffice. However, new years do bring about a chance to reset. And although we are open to allowing for the ebbs and flows of the unknown that 2021 has to offer, we have decided to dig into our mission as we set our business goals for 2021.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
- Read more books.
If 2020 has taught us anything is that we have time, we should make time and we should use time. Our manipulation of time is solely up to us but we should give time for relaxation, self-care, education, motivation, vacation and advancement. Reading is all of that. And when we read books particularly by Black authors and authors of color, we are doing a few more things. Books by Black authors allow us to see the breadth and range of the experiences and stories of peoples from the Diaspora. Whether you are from the Diaspora or not, this is extremely important to know- the Black story is not one story. Africa and the history of her descendants run through the narratives but the manifestations and telling of those stories are expansive. Our resolution is to hear from the griots. We will read more books by authors of color in 2021.
- Shop Black Business.
We love to shop. So, we probably should cut back on our spending. But our goal is instead to reinvest in our communities through our economic might. We know we can’t purchase everything from Black owned business but we can seek out opportunities to shop Black. And also demanding that larger businesses stock vendors of color on their shelves. If we are conscious shoppers large retailers will take notice. We will shop Black in 2021.
- Support organizations that impact our communities in significant and tangible ways.
There are so many awesome organizations that are putting in immense work and have the creative gifting to meet community needs. We are giving our money to support that work. The government will not be able to fill every gap- they do not even seem to care if some gaps are filled. When they do focus on gaps the solutions are not always creative or do not zone in on what differing communities need. But there are visionaries that are doing the work in ways that meet specific needs and whose work has lasting impact. We are supporting more of these organizations in 2021.
- Build our community.
There is strength in numbers. One stick is easily broken but a quiver of sticks is more of a challenge. Follow us on every platform, engage with us in our book discussions. Join us as we build our community in 2021.
Photo by Clarke Sanders on Unsplash
- We will focus on our health in 2021. We threw that one in but it belongs.
Let us know what your resolutions are and we wish you a healthy and happy New Year!
Kendra and Adeola
1 comment
I read the Blog and I enjoyed it. Very classy it reminds you of how much time we waste in a day and how we can utilize that time by reading. This virus has shaken us to the core but it has taught us a lesson as long as we are healthy we have time, Read a Book by a Black author and you will never be bored.